I´ve worked as a counsellor or psychotherapist in the following institutions/facilities:
Completed CE courses in Clinical Psychology since 2006:
Internet Use - Pasadena, CA
Menschen - Germany
Universitätsklinikum Dresden - "Die Zangen des Lebens - Zwang und Zwanghaftigkeit"
* Effective strategies in the treatment of maternal depression - Cape Town / Kaapstad, South Africa
* Training for the Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale (SIGMA) - Berlin/New York, N.Y.
* Schematherapie bei Patienten mit aggressivem Verhalten - Berlin
* 17. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Bipolare Störungen - München
Neue Entwicklungen bei psychiatrischen Hilfen
Reha und ambulante Versorgung
Nichtmedikamentöse behandlung Bipolarer Störungen
Innovative Diagnostik und Therapie Bipolarer Störungen im Forschungsverbund BipoLife
* Anti-NMDA Receptor Autoimmune Encephalitis and its psychiatric issues - Los Angeles, CA
* Cyberchondriasis and Health Anxiety - Berlin
* Neuroplacticity of the Brain - Berlin
* Die Neurologie der Psychopathie - Berlin
* Alkohol, Kokain & Sucht - Stuttgart (Betty Ford Klinik)
* Relational Mindfulness - UCLA / Los Angeles, CA
* Umgang mit Shoah und Trauma Überlebenden - Berlin
* Psychotherapie suizidaler PatientInnen - Berlin
* Extreme Narcissism - Berlin
* Sexualität und Persönlichkeitsstörungen - Freie Universität Berlin
* Treating People with Hoarding Disorder - Berlin
* CBT Strategies for Insomnia - Berlin
* Traumafokus - Berlin
* Mindfulness and Modification Therapy for Dysregulated Behaviour - Online course
* Self-Actualization in Humanistic Psychology - Online course
* Compassion Focused Therapy - Online course
* Assessing and Treating OCD & Anxiety Disorders - APA Webinar McLean Hospital, Belmont, Mass
* Sleep Disorders - Webinar through the Harvard Medical School
* Esketamine for the treatment of depression - Webinar through the White House Office of Science and Technology/ NIMH
* Webinar - Mainzer Leibniz-Institut für Resilienzforschung, "Das seelische Gleichgewicht in
* Selbsterfahrung für Psychotherapeuten - Rostock
* Cannabis Treatment - APA online course
* Artificial Intelligence in Psychotherapy? APA online course
* Leitliniengerechte Interventionen bei leichten kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen - Uni-Düsseldorf
* Chronische Einsamkeit Oberberg Klinik Online Webinar
* Narzisstische Persönlichkeiten in der Schematherapie - Oberberg Klinik Online Webinar
Member of the following organisations:
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), is a comprehensive and internationally acclaimed form of psychotherapy, continuously enhanced by scientific research at universities and clinical facilities. CBT closely examines the existence of automatic and irrational cognitions (thoughts) which cause or lead to unpleasant feelings and emotions, resulting in dysfunctional forms of behavior. The objective of CBT is to therefore structurally replace irrational and/or catastrophic thoughts with more positive ones. This allows the individual in therapy to better develop more effective coping skills in overcoming complex and challenging issues, e.g. speaking in front of a group of people, a fear of flying, asserting one´s rights/needs, depression and sleeping disorders.
CBT operates in the following manner:
Schema Therapy, developed by a Clinical Psychologist from New York (Dr. Jeffrey Young) incorporates a variety of approaches (cognitive, behavioral, experimental and interpersonal/object relations), to better address the psychological and behavioral issues hampering the full development of an individual. Schema Therapy concerns itself with life long patterns, early life experiences and the development of maladaptive schemas ("considered a form of a self-defeating pattern which tends to appear many times during the course of life if certain emotional needs aren´t addressed and fulfilled"). Young believes individuals with more current, complex problems have one or more early maladaptive schemas which makes them more vulnerable to emotional disorders. According to Young an early maladaptive schema is "a broad pervasive theme or pattern regarding oneself and one´s relationship with others, developed during childhood and elaborated throughout one´s lifetime, and dysfunctional to a significant degree." In other words, early maladaptive schema originate through early childhood experiences, the innate temperament of the child and immediate cultural influences. Schemata are therefore valid representations of early childhood experiences, and serve as templates for processing and defining later behaviors, thoughts, feelings and relationships with others. Schemata are generally enduring, resistant to change and can only be minimized through adequate therapy.
The following serve as the main objectives of Schema Therapy:
Comprehensive Psychotherapyin my practice focuses on the following problem-related areas:
Affective Disorders (Depression, Mania and Bipolar Disorder)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Diagnostic testing and therapy
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Schizophrenia and Delusional Thinking
Social Phobia and Other Phobic Disorders
A very nice accompaniment to the therapeutic process involves the implementation of MINDFULNESS. Mindfulness allows us to concentrate on the here and now, using techniques such as breathing and identifying troublesome thoughts. We therefore become more aware of our thoughts and feelings, so that instead of being overwhelmed by them, we confront them with greater ease and mastery. By focusing more on the present, i.e. what´s happening now, we can create a more robust sense of self-awareness eliminating the necessity of worrying about things to come. Mindfulness teaches us to more effectively confront our negative thoughts rather than turning away from them or trying to avoid them. When we show a greater willingness to accept all current thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, we have a optimal chance to create more positive choices in our lives. Mindfulness has not only proven to help with stress, anxiety, and depression, it allows us to become more aware of those around us and our impact on them (good or bad). Mindfulness will be introduced to you during your therapy experience. If this proves to be a subject area which you don´t wish to explore, then it will be of course discontinued. If you wish to learn more about mindfulness we will gladly provide you with exercises and reading references.
FaceTime and Zoom are available for those individuals who do not live in Berlin or are travelling and wish to discuss issues with me online. Both have proven to be a reliable and secure vehicle for communication when live, face-to-face contact can´t take place.
Publications / Interviews
Pheasant, Brian (2015): "Is Berlin burning out?" Berlin: Betti Hunter, Exberliner Magazine Interview
Pheasant, Brian (2016): Body & Soul Interview, Siegessäule Kompass, Sommer / Herbst 2016
Hautzinger, M., Meyer, T.D. and Pheasant, B.L.: Cyclothymic but not Depressive Temperament influences the Mood of Another Person in Social Interactions. In: Kaschka (ed): Perspectives in Affective Disorders - Advanced Biological Psychiatry. Basel: Karger (2002), (vol 21), 1-10.
In progess.... A Case Study Approach to Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder implementing CBT. Dr. Brian L. Pheasant
Fees for Psychotherapy
Self-pay and/or private insurance allows the individual to participate in an initial consultation within five to seven days after making contact with me. After the first meeting, psychotherapy can begin immediately without having to wait for an extended period of time. The fees for psychotherapy are as follows:
Initial consultation - 85€ at 50 minutes Individual therapy - 110€ at 50 minutes
Initial consultation for couples therapy - 110€ at 50 minutes Couples Therapy - 130€ at 50 minutes
ADHD Testing - 170€ for a 60 minute session
My payment scheme for individual, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is based upon the official German "Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten*innen (GOP). Fees for couples therapy and ADHD testing are not covered by the public or private insurance in Germany. Therapy costs in Germany are potentially tax deductible according to §33 EstG. "außergewöhnliche Belastungen allgemeiner Art."
I do billing with several North American and international insurance companies such as Cigna, ALC, aetna, International Medical Group, IntegraGlobal, Blue Cross/Blue Shields, MetLife, Anthem and United Health. I also do billing with some ex-pat and international travel insurance companies. Please consult with me for further details!
Dr. Pheasant - PraxisCBT@protonmail.com
Verhaltenstherapie in
Kuglerstraße 26, 10439 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg